Are You Sharing Too Much? this quiz and discover how your digital habits may impact your child’s safety! 1. Have you ever uploaded a picture of your child’s first day at school on social media? (Example: a proud moment of your little one in their uniform!) Yes No None 2. Do you share pictures of your child’s special achievements or events, like their birthday party or sports day, online? (Example: “Look at my champ winning that medal!”) Yes No None 3. Do you share pictures of your child’s special achievements or events, like their birthday party or sports day, online? (Example: “Look at my champ winning that medal!”) Yes No None 4. Do you occasionally share funny or adorable moments of your child’s daily life on social media? (Example: “Caught this cute moment at dinner!”) Yes No None 5. Have you ever shared a picture of your child’s creative work, like their painting, drawing, or school project, along with their name or school name? (Example: “So proud of my little artist!”) Yes No None Time’s up Key dates Open House ( Pre-school & Kindergarten )Book a Visit October 20 2020 Application Due Learn about the enrollment process September 22 2020 Financial Aid Learn about financial aid